Booking appointments for Online audio / video counseling / counselling, LiveType Chat Instant Messaging, email etherapy or Phone counseling / counselling
(1) Email Counseling : Please click onto the "email counseling" link under Steve or Heidi's names in order to check out the counselling costs & be able to book 15, 30 or 50 minute email counseling times. Steve & Heidi's counselling rates are different. (2) Online & Phone Counseling : To check out the counselling costs & available appointment dates / times for speaking with either Steve or Heidi please click onto the "Online & Phone counseling" link under their names. Steve & Heidi's counselling rates are different. Live sessions are available only in 50 minute blocks (double sessions are bookable by purchasing 2 adjoining time slots).
Steve Cadman-Neu MSW email counseling 15, 30 or 50 minutes Online & Phone counseling : Online Audio, Video, LiveType Chat IM, or Phone counseling
Heidi Cadman-Neu MDiv email counseling 15, 30 or 50 minutes Online & Phone counseling : Online Audio, Video, LiveType Chat IM, or Phone counseling
Credit Card, Debit Card , or Bank Account paymentPayPal is the credit card, debit card (if it has a Visa or MasterCard logo), & bank account payment system we use. Their payment system is designed to help keep your financial information private & confidential, & eliminate the risk of online credit / debit card / bank account duplication / fraud / theft. They accept & will convert the currencies of most countries (55 countries) into the Canadian dollar amount we have listed as the cost. No fee is charged to you for using their system as their fee is charged to the seller. You can click onto our explanation of the PayPal payment system for more details. Our "explanation" link will help to outline & walk you through the PayPal pages you will be transferred to when you click onto our "Buy Now" PayPal buttons to book a counseling appointment. Having a sense of the steps involved beforehand should help to reduce any uncertainty or anxiety about the payment process.
Encrypted Email Contact We will send you an encrypted email once PayPal has notified us of your booking & payment. In our encrypted email to you, we will explain how to send a free encrypted email back to us through our encryption provider. You will then be able to send us an encrypted email with any questions you might have about us making our connection at the time of your appointment (you can also phone us about this). We have written more about our email encryption process in our email counseling section, where we have given a more extensive explanation of it. If you are booking a Phone counseling session, even if you have no questions we ask that you send us a return encrypted email, just to confirm that we have an alternate way of contacting each other in place. If you have booked email counseling, your return encrypted email to us, outlining the personal, relational, or spiritual issues you are wrestling with or wondering about, will begin our back & forth etherapy process. If you are booking an Online Chat Instant Messaging, Audio or Video Counselling session, we will include our Skype "Contact Name" in the first or second encrypted email we send you. We will also need you to send us a return encrypted email which includes your Skype "Contact Name". Once we have the date, time & each others' Skype "Contact Names" we will be able to make contact at the time of your appointment.
Skype Since Skype is the communication system we use for online audio, audio video, & LiveType Chat Instant Messaging, we ask that you make sure you have successfully tested your Skype download & any audio or video equipment you may be using, before making an appointment for online counseling. You will also need to test out the Festoon download beforehand if you're booking video counseling. LiveType Chat Instant Messaging needs neither the Festoon download nor any audio/video equipment, but it does need the Skype download. Please click onto the Online Audio, Online Audio/Video, or Online Live Type Chat Instant Messaging links provided here to peruse the explanation, download, setup & testing process for each of these communication options. They're relatively simple & straightforward to implement. You won't need to download Skype / Festoon or have any audio/video equipment if you book email or phone counseling sessions.
Who we are : MSW MDiv 20+ years counseling experience Please feel free to book Online & Phone counseling appointments as an alternative to our Office appointments |