Phone counseling / counselling
Phone counseling is probably the best guarantee of having a quality audio connection. The one caution would be that using a cordless or cell phone could potentially lead to a breach in confidentiality if anyone is trying to listen in with a scanner. This would be extremely rare but not impossible. Using a land line phone would eliminate this concern. If you choose to use the telephone for your counseling sessions & you live in Canada or the U.S., then we will call you at the time of the appointment & we will cover the long distance costs. If you live in any country other than Canada or the U.S. then you will need to call us at the time of the appointment & cover your own long distance costs. If you live in any country other than Canada or the U.S. & would like to have free audio for counseling sessions then "Online Audio" would be the only way to do this. Online audio can be as good as or even better than the quality of sound on a telephone but you may need to have some degree of the following to achieve this: a good headset/microphone, a fast enough computer, enough RAM, & perhaps high speed internet. If you're OK with the sound quality being a bit less than the phone then you can get by with much less of these things. If you already use online audio with friends & family & are satisfied with your sound quality then it will also be fine for online audio counseling. To book an appointment, click onto "Booking Appointments", choose either Steve or Heidi & click onto either the "email counseling" or "online & phone counseling" link. You will then be able to purchase 15, 30 or 50 minutes of email counseling, or browse the available dates in a particular month for Online & Phone counseling & then purchase whichever day & appointment time suits you best. Thank you for considering using us to help you.
Please feel free to book Online & Phone counseling appointments as an alternative to our Office appointments |