Online LiveType Chat Instant Messaging etherapy counseling / counselling
LiveType chat Instant Messaging is an ongoing live conversation of typing back & forth. We will each see what the other has typed as soon as they have finished typing it. The benefit of LiveType chat is that feedback is immediate. It parallels a real, immediate, back & forth conversation more-so than email counseling does. The downside is that it probably does not cover the same amount of material as email does for the same cost. In email you are able to take as long as you want to describe, lay out & refine what you want to convey to a counselor in as concise a way as possible before you send the email. In LiveType chat IM you are limited to what you can type out in the 50 minute 2 way dialogue. It may therefore be wise to begin with email counseling & later transition to LiveType chat IM counseling once you feel you have laid things out as much as need be, & have also already had the benefit of perusing our initial responses. At that point LiveType chat will probably feel much more interactive & responsive to the many nuances involved in personal issues. If you would like to use the LiveType chat IM counseling format then you will need to download Skype (free). You'll then be able to use online LiveType Chat Instant Messaging with us for free via Skype (which is owned & operated by ebay as is PayPal). The beauty about using Skype is not just that it's free & top quality. Live Type Chat Instant Messaging, File transfers, audio & video are all automatically encrypted in your computer by Skype before they're sent onto the internet & then automatically decrypted in the receiving person's computer by Skype after being transferred from the internet. In this way all communication is secure, private & confidential & cannot be intercepted on the internet. I know of no other service that encrypts audio & video. It's also a system in which Windows, Linux, Mac & other platforms can communicate with one another (except in video at present). Please make sure you have successfully tested your Skype download before making an online appointment. When you download Skype, be sure to click "Save" rather than "Open", write down the full file name it will be stored under in your computer, & where it's being stored in your computer. Once downloaded click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of your computer screen, then click the word "Search" in your pop-up list (in Windows it has a magnifying glass beside it), then type in the file full file name you copied down for the Skype download, then double click the Skype file name in the list your computer eventually takes you to as a result of your "Search". Then walk through the steps popping up on your computer screen of uploading Skype onto your computer, registering a "Contact Name" for yourself with Skype, & clicking yes to put the Skype icon on your computer screen. If it didn't work, you must not have done one or more of these steps, or more likely not written down the full file name it's stored under in your computer, so just download it again from the Skype website & do or write down what you missed the first time. Not a problem if it takes two or three times to get it right. It would probably be wise to print off onto a printer the Skype instructions for a number of tasks you'll be doing with Skype. The 2 indexes are at "How to Use Skype" & "Visual & Text Guides". Print out the "Download" link before you walk through the download process I've typed out above, as it's best to combine the two. We've provided an additional page of instructions for setting up & testing out LiveType Chat Instant Messaging online with Skype, in addition to the 2 index links above ("How to Use Skype" & "Visual & Text Guides"). We've explained a few personalized "non techie" details of what we had to walk through to set this up. To book an appointment, click onto "Booking Appointments", choose either Steve or Heidi & click onto either the "email counseling" or "online & phone counseling" link. You will then be able to purchase 15, 30 or 50 minutes of email counseling, or browse the available dates in a particular month & then purchase whichever day & appointment time suits you best. Thank you for considering using us to help you.
Please feel free to book Online & Phone counseling appointments as an alternative to our Office appointments |