519-624-1001 Online & Phone counselling link below Offices in: Cambridge & Simcoe (Ontario, Canada) "Resources" link below contains many articles, books & links that may be of interest
Inner Healing models
The books & links below by Mark Virkler, Chester / Betsy Kylstra, Patricia Smith, Francis / Judith McNutt, John / Paula Sandford, Leanne Payne, and Ed Smith look at generational issues, unconscious beliefs and conclusions (believed lies, judgments & vows), soul ties, memory pictures, the aromatic emotional trail and a number of other topics. These books may be helpful as a supplement to an Inner Healing prayer counseling / counselling process.
We offer a professional
Christian counseling / counselling framework for working through Inner Healing
Foundational 1. Mark Virkler 1. Communion with God 2. Bait of Satan 719-487-3000 www.johnbevere.org
3. Herman Riffel 1. Dreams, Wisdom Within
4. Francis Frangipane - The Three Battlegrounds
2. Chester / Betsy Kylstra - Restoring the Foundations
3. Patricia Smith - From Generation to Generation 904-765-3332 www.christianhealingmin.org
5. John / Paula Sandford 1.The Transformation of the Inner Man
6. Leanne Payne 1. Restoring the Christian Soul 7. Ed Smith - TheoPhostic Counseling If you have trouble ordering or finding these books, you can contact the authors at the above phone #'s or email/web addresses to see if they know where their books can be ordered. a brief general description of Inner Healing articles on different Inner Healing models
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.com US$ Communion with God Counseled by God: Emotional Wholeness Through Hearing God's Voice The Bait of Satan: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense The Bait of Satan, Study Guide
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Counseled by God: Emotional Wholeness Through Hearing God's Voice
Victory in the Wilderness: Understanding God's Season of Preparation The Bait of Satan: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense
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Prayers That Heal the Heart: Prayer Counseling That Breaks Every Yoke Restoring the Foundations: An Integrated Approach to Healing Ministry
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