519-624-1001 Online & Phone counselling link below Offices in: Cambridge & Simcoe (Ontario, Canada) "Resources" link below contains many articles, books & links that may be of interest
Below is a book & link re extramarital affairs and marital unfaithfulness that may be helpful as a supplement to counseling / counselling. This book will give you information on and understanding of some of the reasons for, & trust / intimacy consequences of illicit sexual / sex affairs, extra marital infidelity / infidelities or adultery. Surviving (how to survive), confronting, overcoming, working through, rekindling trust, & avoiding a rebound relationship are all important issues that need to be processed. Sexual indiscretions that qualify as relationship cheating or being unfaithful in marriage, & therefore need to be worked through, include online cyber affairs & pornography. There is emotional unfaithfulness (fantasy) here even if there has been no physical contact, & this too affects trust (& therefore emotional intimacy) in a relationship. Some of the terms one will hear that may not be very helpful in trying to work things through, but one needs to be prepared for, include being called adulterous, an adulteress, adulterers, fornicators, a philanderer or philandering. It's best to stay away from emotionally charged & shaming words as much as possible as this tends to increase defensiveness & emotional distance even more than is already the case as a result of the unfaithfulness becoming known.
We offer professional counseling / counselling therapy services for couples and relationships. Most issues can be worked through where there is a willingness. Our goal is to assist in working out reconciliation and healing through professional therapeutic advice and guidance.
Books & Links 2. Focus on the Family : http://www.pureintimacy.org
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.com US$ Torn Asunder Workbook: Recovering from Extramarital Affairs
.co.uk GBP Torn Asunder: Recovering from Extramarital Affairs (Relationships)
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