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Emotional & Relationship Boundaries
Below are a few books on healthy emotional and interpersonal boundaries that may be helpful as a supplement to counseling / counselling. These books will give you info on and understanding of some of the reasons for, problems with, and consequences of unhealthy psychological boundaries in relationships (marriage, family, children, parents, friendships, dating, boyfriends, etc.). They supply information related to defining boundary problems and how to tell if this is applicable to you and your relationships. Boundaries have to do with our personal ego identity being distinct and different from that of other people's. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. Problems with boundaries tend to happen when there is either enmeshment with or too rigid detachment from (the opposite extreme) others. This will involve such terms as dependency, codependency, needy, infatuation, transference, and caretaking. Marital and relationship codependents will be dependent on emotionally dancing with the personality tendencies of their partner, though often in exactly opposite ways (the flip side of the same coin) to how their partner does. When there is dependence or codependence with another, boundaries tend to get crossed and overstepped, be too permeable, and subject to too much influence. The extreme of this would be in abusive relationships. Overcoming these tendencies involves reorienting oneself, & establishing and setting limits in relationships. This will involve emotional growth, & some assertiveness and tough love.
For Christians it is important to see that scripture says we are to love our neighbour "as"
ourselves, not "instead" of ourselves. We can only care about others
to the extent that we care about ourselves (and our own hurts and
feelings). Becoming a doormat as a way of avoiding the difficulty of
working out our hurts and angers with others is not God's way. Jesus in
fact said to go to others who have an issue with us (Matt. 5:23-24), or
with whom we have an issue (Matt. 18:15-17), and work issues and offenses
out with the help of third, fourth and fifth parties if necessary.
call to turn the other cheek is not the same as being a doormat. You only
need to look at how Jesus lived His life out to see that this is not so.
Jesus confronted others on many uncomfortable and unpopular issues and
expressed anger (He called some people hypocrites, snakes and vipers,
Books 2. Safe People � John Townsend & Henry Cloud (boundaries with unsafe people) 3. Boundaries with Kids - John Townsend & Henry Cloud4. Boundaries in Dating - John Townsend & Henry Cloud 5. Boundaries in Marriage - John Townsend & Henry Cloud
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.com US$ Boundaries Boundaries Curriculum with Book(s) and Video
.co.uk GBP Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No: Workbook Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No: Leader's Guide Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No: Participant's Guide Boundaries Curriculum with Book and Video Safe People: How to Avoid Relationships That Are Not Good for You Safe People: Unabridged
.com US$ Boundaries with Kids Boundaries with Kids Leader's Guide Boundaries with Kids Participant's Guide Boundaries with Kids Combination Pack Boundaries with Teens : When to Say Yes, How to Say No
.co.uk GBP Boundaries with Kids: When to Say Yes, How to Say No Boundaries with Kids: When to Say Yes, How to Say No: Workbook Boundaries with Kids: Leader's Guide Boundaries with Kids: Participant's Guide Boundaries with Kids: When To Say Yes, How to Say No Boundaries with Kids: Boundaries with Teens: When to Say Yes, How to Say No Boundaries with Teens: When to Say Yes, How to Say No
.com US$ Boundaries in Dating Boundaries in Dating Leader's Guide Boundaries in Dating Participant's Guide Boundaries in Dating Boundaries in Dating Curriculum: Making Dating Work, Book(s) & Video
.co.uk GBP Boundaries in Dating: Making Dating Work Boundaries in Dating: Making Dating Work: Workbook Boundaries in Dating: Making Dating Work: Leader's Guide Boundaries in Dating: Making Dating Work: Participant's Guide Boundaries in Dating Kit = VHS, DVD, Leaders, Participants, book .com US$ Boundaries in Marriage Boundaries in Marriage Workbook Boundaries in Marriage Leader's Guide Boundaries in Marriage Participant's Guide Boundaries in Marriage (Unabridged) Boundaries in Marriage Boundaries in Marriage Combination Pack
.co.uk GBP Boundaries in Marriage Boundaries in Marriage: Workbook Boundaries in Marriage: Leader's Guide Boundaries in Marriage: Participant's Guide Boundaries in Marriage: Unabridged Boundaries in Marriage: 8-session
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