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Inner Healing
We offer a professional Christian counselling framework for working through Inner Healing issues. We look at generational issues, unconscious beliefs and conclusions (lies, judgments, vows, etc.), soul ties, & memory pictures. Inner child issues are inherent in this process. Prayer is a biblical & integrated part of this approach. Spiritual oppression issues are dealt with in this Inner Healing process more by facing, dealing with & removing spiritual legal rights than by the more traditional direct confrontation power encounter approach. We believe that if legal rights are not dealt with then spiritual oppression can in many cases probably simply return at a later time. Conversely if legal rights are dealt with then spiritual oppression cannot abide in the light. Faith, holiness, repentance & spirituality are looked at as part of this process. We seek to integrate the bible, God, Christ, & the Holy Spirit as central & divine in this approach.
Explanation Inner Healing involves healing the hurts of the past & their current influences on our lives through a prayer counselling format. This includes looking at & dealing with the possible influences of the "sins of the fathers" that may be having an effect generationally in different ways. Conscious & unconscious belief systems & conclusions (about oneself, others, life & God) that are arrived at through past wounding experiences, upbringing & temptation are faced & processed. Soul Ties to others (intense negative emotional connections & reactions) in the past or present are worked through. Memory pictures of past hurts, in which Jesus� presence seems absent, are also looked at. We ask God to show us where He in truth was (omnipresent) in that memory picture, & what He was feeling, doing or trying to do to protect us in those situations (given the context of God not over-riding human free will). It is a process that is kept in balance by doing it alongside professional counselling frameworks, to the extent that this does not violate scriptural teaching or values. This helps keep things from getting too overly subjective or emotionally & relationally ungrounded. articles on different Inner Healing models books on different Inner Healing models
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