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In the Mark Virkler model (article) below we will look at soul ties and traumatic memory pictures.
We offer a professional
Christian counseling / counselling framework for working through Inner Healing
Brief Overview of the Virkler Inner Healing model by Steve Cadman MSW
US$ Prayers That Heal the Heart: Prayer Counseling That Breaks Every Yoke .co.uk GBP Prayers That Heal the Heart: Prayer Counseling That Breaks Every Yoke
Mark Virkler's model is essentially built on the foundation of the
Kylstra model, which I commented on in the January article. He
acknowledges this. He has however added a few very useful elements to the Kylstra framework from other models, which bear paying attention to. His
book, "Prayers that Heal the Heart", may be the single most
balanced, concise and complete resource available for those wishing to
pursue Inner Healing. It is for the most part not something new, but it is
a very full and good integration of what has gone before it in this field,
plus it is very well written with a good flow to it. It is extremely
"meaty" and yet not a hard read. The multitude of spiritual
nuances regarding emotional/spiritual dynamics and process, make this book
worth reading even apart from the additional elements he has added to the
Kylstra model.
Virkler pictures the strongholds in us as a house which has
different elements to it's structure, all of which need to be dealt with
in order to fully dismantle the house. These elements include Generational
sins/curses, Ungodly Soul Ties, Negative Expectations, Inner Vows,
Traumatic Pictures & Self Effort. The Ungodly Soul Ties and Traumatic
Pictures are Virkler's additions to the Kylstra model. The
most obvious ungodly soul ties in scripture would appear to be from sexual
unions (1 Cor. 6:16). Virkler extends this to include all sexual
encounters that have not led to intercourse such as lust, pornography,
infatuation or any erotic joining. He points to Matt. 5:27-28 where Jesus
said that if you look at a woman to lust after her, you have committed
adultery with her in your heart.
Virkler sees all covenants (sexual or otherwise) as contracts, whether
they are written, verbal or merely "understood". He sees blood
pacts, and possibly blood transfusions, as fitting into this framework as
biblical covenants were sealed with blood. His belief is that the life,
energies and provisions flowing through these other people now have access
to and will be shared by us in some ways, causing all sorts of sins,
sexual pressures, sicknesses and problems.
Virkler extends this framework of ongoing life connections to all
other covenant relationships as well, whether they are sexual in nature or
not. In a non-sexual sense, the scriptural example he refers to is the
soul tie between David and Jonathon in 1 Samuel 18:1. He also believes
that any intense negative emotional relationship with someone regarding
dominance, manipulation, control, violence, fear, abuse, etc. may create
soul ties.
I don't think that many of us would argue against the need to bring
sexual unions before God for separation, based on the above scripture.
Other emotionally based soul ties though, would seem to be less straight
forward and have less clear cut support in scripture. I think however that
most counselors / counsellors would agree, based on experience, that there is usually a
residue of some type of emotional connections and influences wherever
there has been intense relationships. Describing this as at least
partially being a soul tie, may or may not be true, but I don't see the
harm in bringing it before God as such just in case it is. Praying about
it certainly cannot do any harm as long as we don't get legalistic or
dogmatic about it, and it might even turn out to do a lot of good.
The other dimension of healing that Virkler has added to the
Kylstra model, involves the inner pictures we have of the traumas we have
been through. Virkler postulates that life is made up of a series of
individual scenes, and that the cultural saying that a picture is worth a
thousand words may in fact have some truth to it. As such a picture may be
worth a thousand confessions, and thus may create enough energy to
overpower a singular confession of forgiveness. This would on the surface
seem to fit with the experience of most of us, that forgiveness is not a
one-time thing but rather an ongoing process that has to happen on
progressively deeper and deeper levels in us, in order for it to really
and fully take.
Virkler believes that our traumatic pictures are at least partially
a lie if we do not see or sense Jesus present in them watching over and
protecting us to some degree, since He is omnipresent. God doesn't totally
over-ride others' free will choice to sin against us, but He was trying to
do things in those situations. The prayer process involves asking Jesus to
take us back to that painful memory and show us how He was responding at
the time, how He is wanting us to respond, and what He is asking us to do.
We ask for our blinders to be removed so we can see clearly what is
transpiring, and for the Holy Spirit to guide the flow of pictures.
Virkler cautions against trying to make up the scene oneself.
Unfortunately, controlling and manipulating scenes in the imagination is
one of the things the occult tries to do.
The one caution I think would be wise to add to this, is to not
expect Jesus to always show us these things when we ask this of Him in a
prayer process. This expectation in itself, even if we are consciously
trying to not create the scenes, may unconsciously pressure us at some
level to come up with the desired outcome. This would be a concern
especially for those with DID, although it is likely to be an issue for
everyone to some degree. It is not up to us to lead God to the steps we
want Him to address, but rather to be open to following Him into whatever
steps or areas He chooses. Accepting a non-response from Him to a
particular tact or timing, would seem essential to me.
Mark Virkler has a very useful list of prayers and guidelines in
his book, which can be ordered through his web link or phone #, which are
in our web site under the
Resources / Books / Inner Healing links. books on Inner Healing a brief description of Inner Healing Other articles by Steve & Heidi Cadman-Neu
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