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Mission Statement


 TheoPhostic Inner Healing model


    In the Ed Smith Theophostic model below (article) we look at false conclusions, believed lies, and the aromatic emotional trail.


    We offer a professional Christian counseling / counselling framework for working through Inner Healing issues. 


      Phone counseling / counselling, Online audio / video, email or LiveType Chat Instant Messaging etherapy sessions are available for working through issues as an alternative to the standard Office appointments we also offer (see Online & Phone Counseling).


    In our Resources section we have a number of links, books, articles, essays & seminar notes that may be of help as a supplement to counseling.



  Articles 11/02

A Brief Overview of TheoPhostic Inner Healing model (Part 1)

by Steve Cadman MSW  


            This seems to me to be a very good model for dealing with one of the aspects of Inner Healing: the lies or conclusions that we come to believe as a result of our experiences in life. This is not the only Inner Healing model that deals with this area (the Sandfords call it negative expectations/vows, the Kylstras call it ungodly beliefs, etc.) but it is probably the model that deals most in depth with it. I personally believe it would be wise to use this model in conjunction with (for balance) the Kylstra model�s prayer about ungodly beliefs, as well as with a number of other models regarding generational, soul tie and soul hurt effects.

            Ed Smith lists 7 different Types (operation or function) of lies and 8 different Categories (nature or character) of lies. The Types are: metamorphic (true as child, not true as adult), cluster (connected separate lies in same memory), cloned (same lie in many memories), memory linked (connected separate lies in different memories), guardian (out in front of a memory to block access to hidden lies), splinter (less threatening and surface a few days after more powerful lies are removed) and osmotic (osmosis or absorption through observation of another�s behaviour and attitudes). All �connected� lies must be resolved in order for emotions to approach a zero rating on any particular �story line�. The Categories are: fear, abandonment, shame, tainted, confusion, hopeless, invalidation and powerlessness.

            The process for finding these lies is to follow the �Aromatic Emotional Trail� (emotional echo) and trace it back to the original memory and lie. The person is to focus intently on the current situation and emotion until it is very clear and intense and then disconnect from the current situation but remain focused on the emotion. They are then to �drift� back through time and allow memories to surface, not looking for a memory but instead staying focused on the emotion. This drifting back process needs to continue through a series of memories until they look around a memory and sense that they cannot go back any further. This memory should then be the original source of the emotions. This process of getting to the original lie can sometimes take a lot of work so one must act as a detective and follow the clues.

          This memory is then to be explored to find lies that the individual would rate very highly as feeling true. These highly rated lies are then to be embraced and confessed as though they were true, until they produce great emotional upheaval. Smith calls this �stirring up the darkness�. The darker the darkness, the more bright and clear the light (truth) is in the darkness. When the individual senses the emotion is as intense as it can become, they are asked to listen for a truth. This process takes people to Jesus with their lie exposed and lets Jesus speak a simple word to set them free. Jesus may be asked to enter into this darkness with His light and help the individual sense what the truth is.

          If God does not speak within a few minutes there is no need to keep the person in the memory since there is something in the way of hearing God�s voice. God is then asked to reveal what this blockage is. Smith�s model outlines different ways of dealing with blockages such as: anger, hate or revenge; failure to identify the original lie; guardian lies; logical thinking; spiritual darkness; dissociation/DID; defense mechanisms; fear of the pain in the memory; unconfessed sin; or the need to be accepted by the counselor / counsellor. Defense and coping mechanisms need to be confessed as sin because they are acts of rejecting God�s healing grace, instead relying on our own self preservation and efforts towards wholeness.

          Smith acknowledges that a person can make up their own truth or that it can come from spiritual darkness, instead of getting it from Jesus. This process doesn�t work if either of these two things happens. He believes that it is important to go back to memories later and do a �Post Rating� of the previous lies and emotions to make sure that this process has been real, effective and complete.

          Smith recommends to always test any representation of Jesus that we may sense or see, to make sure that it is the true Christ. This is done by asking the person: to feel this Jesus emotionally (loving, compassionate, forgiving, etc.); if Jesus� face is not evident along with His body, Jesus� face is black or grey or Jesus� eyes are red or glowing; if there are words of condemnation, scorn or rejection; or if this Jesus acts out in negative ways. He recommends that people look away from any false Jesus and find the true Jesus in the memory. He says to ask Jesus to Personally rebuke and cast out a spirit if it does not obey commands given in the name of Jesus or if it later returns.

          This model has a couple of good rating scales. One is a Pre and Post rating of the intensity of numerous emotions. The other looks at priorizing the 8 �Categories� of lies and their associated emotions.

          I do have a few concerns about a couple of things in the Theophostic model, which I will address in next month�s Part II article.

         Ordering the Theophostic manual can be done through their web site link &/or phone number listed in our web site underResources/Books/Inner Healing.

bookson Inner Healing

a briefdescription of Inner Healing

Other articles by Steve & Heidi Cadman-Neu



Context of our Value Base


     Our counseling services are available to both Christians & non-Christians alike (as per our Mission Statement), & for both we integrate our spirituality only to the degree that people request & are comfortable with.   We are respectful of others being in somewhat different places than we are in the life journeys we walk out, & are also aware that many have been hurt or offended religiously by others in their past. 


    We do not try to force our Christian value base or beliefs on others, although it can at times affect what goals we feel comfortable about being able to work on with others, because there are a handful of moral & spiritual issues where we will not be comfortable in counseling contrary to our beliefs. These issues generally do not tend to come up in most people's counseling though.


      We come from a spiritual, biblical perspective so when requested we also function as pastoral counselors / counsellors in addition to being professional counselors, marriage & family therapists.   We are very comfortable with prayer & the inclusion of scripture where this is requested & desired, yet even then it will be integrated only to the degree that people are comfortable with.



Who we are : MSW 30+ years counseling experience


Please feel free to book Online & Phone counseling appointments as an alternative to our Office appointments

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