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We offer a professional Christian counseling / counselling framework for working through Inner Healing issues.
Articles01/02 A Brief Overview of the Kylstra Inner
Healing model
.com US$ Restoring the Foundations: An Integrated Approach to Healing Ministry .co.uk GBP Restoring the Foundations: An Integrated Approach to Healing Ministry
I have
found the Kylstra Inner Healing outline to be particularly helpful in a number
of ways. In their manual "Restoring the Foundations", they have
probably the clearest explanation I have read about why & how the Old
Testament Law & the Sins of our Fathers' still apply to & affect us.
Their key point is that God has made provision for us in the cross of Christ
related to these ancestral sins, but that as with physical healing we must bring
each instance (issue/category/sub component) of these sins to the cross one at a
time, not globally all at once as we would rather do. As was done in the Old
Testament, we only need to confess the sins of our ancestors, not repent of
them. We only need to repent of our own sins. They have a very useful 2 page check off list of categories & sub
components to be used in tracking possible open doors into our lives from both
our own & our ancestors past unconfessed sins. It includes categories of
possible curses coming down the pike that include the occult, false religions,
infirmities/diseases, sexual, addictions, financial, violence, unbelief, fears
& another 19 emotional categories. Each
of these categories is broken down into a number of related sub components that
can be checked off. I
find it very useful to fill in the Kylstra family tree form going back 3
generations & then to start looking at family sin/curses patterns both in
one's own experience & in that of siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts, great
uncles, great great aunts, etc.. These issues won't be in every person in the
family line, for reasons we don't fully understand (the free will determination
of some, etc.), but there will be recurrent themes popping up throughout the
broader family, coming down the generations. It is interesting that patterns do
begin to emerge once you put the time & effort into following this through
& digging for information from living relatives about deceased ancestors. In
this sense it parallels the professional counseling / counselling generational mapping of
Murray Bowen. I've
found that most, but not all, relatives will cooperate with this process once
they're convinced that it is not to dig up dirt to satisfy curiosity but instead
is part of a process to deal with patterns that may be affecting us. Obviously
with non Christian relatives & even with some who are Christians, discretion
needs to be used in not necessarily getting into how spiritual darkness, etc.
may take advantage of these past sins & curses to afflict or tempt us more
intensely in certain areas. It is probably wise to research emotional, physical
& relationship patterns with non Christian relatives without reference to
sin at all. The main point of this is to get information, not to be
"spiritually politically correct" in how we say things in order to make a point. The obvious
risk here is losing their cooperation by being insensitive to their feelings
about how things are addressed. The Kylstras also have another check off list related to Ungodly Beliefs
(lies) that we have about ourselves, others & God. Combined in these
groupings are both of what John & Paula Sandford describe as judgments/expectations
& vows. I have found it more useful to rate these items from 0-10 for both
the past & present (separately) in our lives, rather than just checking them
off. This catches more exactly any past presence of these types of thinking in
our lives, which we may tend to minimize in the present or that may merely be
lying dormant until times of stress or related triggers. The Kylstras have a good list of prayers related to confessing our sins
& those of our ancestors. They have an emphasis on prayers of protection
& leading to be used each time before trying to fill in the above check
lists. I believe that the most important contributions from their model is their
thorough rationale & dealing with the effects of ancestral sins on us, &
how spiritual darkness interlinks as groupings (multiple strands, not usually
singularly) woven into the different related sub components of the broader
sin/curses categories (a cord of 3 strands is not quickly torn apart : Eccl.
4:12). Their emphasis on following God intuitively in the varied & different
ways He chooses to unravel these strands is pivotal. He needs to be Lord of the
changing how's & when's of this process, not us in our tendency to become
comfortable with the familiarity of spiritual formulas. Ordering the Kylstra manual can be done through their web site link
&/or phone number listed in our web site underResources/Books/Inner Healing. Other articles by Steve & Heidi Cadman-Neu Amazon book links (top of page) & Shipping rates 1. Clicking onto any of the links above will not commit you to buying anything. It will merely enable you to peruse & compare the different new & used prices for this book from the different Amazon sellers (called "Marketplace"). You will be able to click onto your "Back" button (upper left of your monitor) a few times to exit the Amazon site & get back to our website, without being committed to buying anything. 2. In order to purchase anything, you will need to click onto an additional "Add to Shopping Cart" button, then click onto "Proceed to checkout", & then give your credit card information. You can add as many books as you wish to your Amazon cart (even from different pages in our website), before finalizing your purchase by clicking the "Proceed to checkout" button & entering your credit card information. There is a "delete" button under each book you add to the "Shopping Cart" with which you can immediately or later delete it from your shopping cart if you wish. 3. Amazon has a secure encrypted (https) payment section of their web site so credit card purchases from them are safe. You pay Amazon alone & then Amazon pays their "Marketplace" sellers, so your credit card information goes only to Amazon, not to any of the "Marketplace" sellers. It's a good system. 4. Canadian $ (CDN$) links are in the pictured boxes above. United States $ (US$), & United Kingdom pounds (GBP) links to the same books are given as "text" links below the pictured boxes. 5. In the pictured boxes above, clicking onto the "Buy from ..." button will take you to the new price of this book when bought directly from Amazon. Clicking onto the "Best Price" link, above the "Buy from ..." button in the pictured box, will show you all of the varied new & used prices for this book from the different Amazon sellers (called "Marketplace"). Generally the "Best Price" link is the better way to go as it also includes a listing of Amazon's new price for the book (you will be able to find Amazon's new price listing by checking who the seller is for each listing). 6. Clicking onto the "title" link of the book in the pictured boxes above (above the "Best Price" link) will enable you to read a description of the book, & sometimes product reviews of it by different people. There will also be a "View product details" link at the top of the "Best Price" listings page, which will take you to the same description/product reviews page. 7. Amazon sets a fixed price for the shipping costs they or any listed "Marketplace" seller can charge, regardless where the listed seller is shipping the book from. Amazon itself however, charges a bit lower shipping rate than it requires it's "Marketplace" sellers to charge. More importantly, for the purchase of more than one book, Amazon charges a much lower shipping rate for each additional book, whereas "Marketplace" sellers charge their fixed shipping rate multiplied by the number of books you purchase. Amazon's multiple book discount in shipping can thereforesometimes outweigh the benefit of choosing the lowest "Marketplace" price. 8. Amazon also offers Free Super
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