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Articles 05/04 Spiritual Abuse : Victims, How they become trapped & areas they struggle in (Part 8) adapted from �The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" by Johnson & VonVonderen by Steve Cadman MSW
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In this article we will look at how victims become trapped in spiritually abusive situations & also outline some of the areas they struggle in as a result of the abuse. Spiritual Traps Leaders in spiritually abusive systems foster loyalty with implied or overt scare tactics & threats. Leaving the system is equal to leaving God & His protection. Paranoia about the evils outside the system makes people afraid to leave. There are many types of bait to attract people to the system. Right standing with God is one. The abusive system gives people the opportunity to earn God�s approval with their own positive self-effort. Other baits include : the approval of people; religious status or position; a pay-cheque; the promise that things will improve; or an opportunity to be shamed & mistreated in a way that is consistent with their sense of deserving to be punished for being so �bad�. It is so appealing that people fail to notice several things. They learn to ignore others around them who point out that they are being neglected or mistreated. They also overlook it when they grow more tired as time goes on. They ignore the fact that people close to them are leaving & urging them to leave. They are oblivious to how it is becoming easier to justify the things that not too long ago they abhorred. They ignore or overlook the fact that their goal keeps moving out of reach. The bait draws people deeper & deeper into the system (like a carrot on a stick with a donkey). If they want to stop struggling a voice within warns �if you give up now, just when you were about to have a spiritual breakthrough��. So they cannot stop. This introduces �equity rescuing� where if I quit now, I�ve wasted the past 10 years, so I�ll stay for another year. The problem is that in a year they will have another year�s equity to rescue, so it�s harder to leave than before. More serious abuse occurs, so they keep setting up one more boundary that they won�t let it go beyond. It keeps moving farther & farther from healthy & normal, one step at a time. Most victims assess their present situation only by comparing it to the last adjustment. Compared to all they have invested, this latest violation just isn�t that big of a compromise. They don�t compare it to normal, so they can�t see how many unhealthy adjustments they have made. It is hard to walk away from relationships, even if they are hurtful or abusive. It would be like losing all of our relational equity. Abused Christians Victims of spiritual abuse end up with distorted pictures of God & self, have difficulty trusting those in authority, & have problems understanding & accepting grace. They also feel alone & crazy because they�ve had so much pressure to not talk about their experience. Victims of Spiritual Abuse Struggle in these Areas 1. Distorted Image of God : They have an overriding preoccupation to somehow decipher God�s will for every area of their life, sometimes including whether or not to have a certain soft drink. They see God as angry if they guessed wrong or failed. They lay fleeces & agonize about finding God�s will. Once they think they've found it, God changes it to something else just to keep them from being lazy. They believe that God doesn�t want them on His level so He always keeps one step ahead. Or God becomes demanding & fickle, & they have to work hard just to keep up. God becomes like a fickle baby whose mood is manipulated by the slightest mistake. He is never satisfied, keeps setting higher goals, & is eager for them to see how much they�ve missed the mark. God is mean & vindictive, pointing out, punishing & humiliating them for their failures. They soon believe God is an unfair judge who keeps moving the finish line in this horrible road race. They have a distorted emphasis, so they end up having a number of wrong beliefs about God : �God doesn�t even notice; God is apathetic & does nothing to help; God is powerless to help; God is utterly holy & flees to the farthest corner of the universe because they�ve broken His heart.� They believe that our place in heaven (our hierarchical position close to or far from God) is determined by how many good works we�ve done (like being careful whether we�ve been naughty or nice for Santa Claus). 2. Preoccupied with spiritual performance : Performance is more important to them than emotional honesty or human need. They have been taught a formula, not growth in relationship. They put every possible area of life into neat, orderly little packages. They may read or memorize scripture in a certain way for a set length of time. They have a tendency towards extremes of self righteousness (superiority, judgmentalism, perfectionism of things being just so), or shame accompanied by anxiety about external circumstances, & an urge to control what people do & how things turn out. 3. Distorted Self-identity : They have a negative shame based identity. They feel defective, third rate, undeserving, still worthless before God, a worm, just a sinner. Eph.3:14-19 says Christ�s love surpasses knowledge. He so loved you. 4. Problems relating to spiritual authority : They develop ways to defend from abuse happening again. They tend to extremes of compliance or defiance. Compliance goes along whether or not they agree, or whether or not the authority is right. Defiance resists authority even if they agree on the inside. It is a knee-jerk reaction. Both patterns promise to prevent them from getting hurt but they don't. 5. Have a hard time with Grace : They find ways to push grace away, so they do without. Or they have a sense of owing, so they find ways to pay back. They see grace as �cheap grace�, where others are lazy, taking advantage of God, or getting off the hook too easily. They believe if they have to work, others should as well. 6. Problems with personal Boundaries, rights, & death to self : They feel vaguely responsible for making sure that others don�t feel sad or rejected. They feel selfish if they say no, so they let others monopolize their life, because their life is �not their own�. They feel they have no right to say �no thank you� to another Christian who asks if they can give them a �word from the Lord�. They have been shamed out of their �no�, their will clouded, religious agendas have intruded into their lives, & others have violated their spirituality by playing the Holy Spirit. Having an opinion has come to equal lack of submissiveness. They have no rights. Having a right to not be abused is selfish. 7. Difficulty with personal Responsibility : Experiencing endless rules, regulations & the pointing out of the least flaw, shows up in their lack of energy or motivation, impatience with the needs of others, depression, a sense of being trapped, or in finding ways to escape. They have realized that no amount of performance results in acceptance or rest, therefore they give up, or expend the least amount of energy to just get by. Or they have learned to be over-responsible, a burden bearer. Everyone�s issues are theirs to solve. If they don�t do it who will? They are responsible for how everyone else�s & God�s day goes. They have a greater sense of God needing them, than of them needing God. Their job is to live just right so God can feel pleased at the end of the day. They cannot say no. They martyr themselves, believing that having needs or opinions is selfish, immature & being over-sensitive. Going without is a prime virtue. Feeling numb to life is the end result. 8. Lack of Living Skills : They tend to be unemployed or underemployed, wandering around ill-equipped, with a bunker mentality where they are closed & paranoid toward the outside world & secretive about what goes on inside. They feel they�ve missed God�s call, & act as if contact with the world is the reason people have problems. Their solution is to keep isolated. A college education is often looked down upon, or they believe only one or two colleges are OK. They often only work somewhere in the original system or one like it. Or they are often forced to take low-paying jobs, even though they are college educated. Their real need is to develop maturity, strength, the ability to make wise decisions, & to grow in dependence upon God as their source on the inside. 9. Hard time admitting the abuse : Being told they are the problem for noticing that there is a problem, makes it hard to expose the abuse, even after they�ve left the system. Admitting the abuse out-loud, or even thinking it, feels disloyal. They have lost track of what normal really is, therefore calling it abuse feels crazy or over-reactive. They use denial or numbness to short-circuit the excruciating pain, because they refuse to believe that abuse is happening to them. Because they use repression, there is no recollection. The abuse is beyond their capacity to consciously process, so they get extremely agitated or afraid when talk approaches these experiences. It is like an emotional negative programming. They eventually experience shame & a sense of defectiveness for having allowed this to happen to them. 10. Hard time with Trust : They have a hard time trusting a spiritual system again. This is extremely significant, because the essence of living as a Christian, is a trust relationship with God within God�s family of believers. Conclusion It is a treadmill that produces soul-deadening weariness.
In Part IX in the next article we will look at what often dove-tails as �the fit� in recurrent victims of spiritual abuse, �religious addiction�. Books & 80 pages of seminar notes on �Spiritual Abuse� can be found in the Resources/Books/Spiritual Abuse section of this website. Other articles by Steve & Heidi Cadman-Neu
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