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Religious Addiction



      Phone counseling / counselling, Online audio / video, email or LiveType Chat Instant Messaging etherapy sessions are available for working through issues as an alternative to the standard Office appointments we also offer (see Online & Phone Counseling).


    In our Resources section we have a number of links, books, articles, essays & seminar notes that may be of help as a supplement to counseling.


Articles 07/04

Spiritual Abuse : Religious Addiction as the "Fit", What it is, Characteristics, & Delusion (Part 9)

adapted from : �Toxic Faith / Faith that hurts, Faith that heals� by Arterburn & Felton , & �The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse� by Johnson & VanVonderen

by Steve Cadman MSW



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                 The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse GBP Toxic Faith: Experiencing Healing Over Painful Spiritual Abuse

                     The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse

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    In this article we will look at religious addiction as the prerequisite or reciprocal "fit" that is usually present in those who choose to remain in spiritually abusive systems. We will also list a number of characteristics that tend to be present in those who have been spiritually abused. 

The �Fit� between Spiritually Abusive systems & the Abused

    It is believed that there is usually a fit between spiritually abusive systems & those who are willing to remain in them. Those with a dysfunctional family background, or a number of unresolved hurts that they are avoiding facing, tend to gravitate to & stay in these churches.

What is Religious Addiction?

    Religious Addiction is when religion, not a relationship with God, controls a person�s life. People from dysfunctional families, those with unrealistic expectations, or those out for their own gain or comfort, seem especially prone to it. They use religious addiction to avoid reality & responsibility. It provides a distraction through compulsive churchaholism or religious ritual. It is an excuse to put off dealing with pain in life, & wait instead for God to do what He is waiting for them to do for themselves.

    Those who are religiously addicted concoct a god or faith that serves self rather than honors God. It is a counterfeit where a replacement is found for God. How they look becomes more important than who God is. Acts of religion replace steps of growth. The fa�ade is substituted for a heart longing to know God, & forms a barrier between them & God.


    At some point the religiously addicted cross the line in their ability to see what is happening to them. This is called delusion, & is the end result of conscious forms of denial. Delusion is the distorted perception of reality, a totally unrealistic view of what is real. Conscious denial has to exist in a spiritual abuse situation in order to convince others that everything is fine, & also to fix blame away from the person or system. Delusion is one of the main components in the learned powerlessness of the victim. It is a warp in the thinking process that filters out or twists information coming in from the outside. It is probably the most significant factor in keeping the victim trapped in the abusive system.

    As denial turns to delusion, addicts lose sight of how the addiction is hurting them & how their own life is affecting others. Friends offer warnings but to no avail. They employ their unhealthy relationship skills �for God�, rather than taking the painful course of receiving help to change them. They can rescue people from the consequences of their behaviors & be a hero. They can exercise personal power & opinions & call it God. They deny what they see, how they feel, how tired they are, & the problems they have, & call it spiritual.

    There are laws to protect the vulnerable (children, the disabled & aged) from being abused, but not for protecting adults who have a sense of learned powerlessness. Somewhere in their life, their power was stolen from them, or they have not learned the skills needed to not be victimized.

    Shame based relationships either prepare people to be abused, or don�t prepare them to not be abused. There is a belief that you are so weak & defective, that you are nothing without this relationship.

    Shame based foundations undermine relational honesty, hinder a maturing relationship with God, foster dependence upon those in power, and build systems where appearance is more important than reality.

    Abusers are made not born, as 85% of abusers & 30% of victims grew up in abusive homes.

    For some it is the need to avoid the tough reality of our high stress society. For others it is a retreat from dealing with the reality of a painful childhood, or the loss of a loved one. Unwilling to process the pain, they hide behind walls of denial built with stones of work, activity, trying harder, shame & perfectionism. Breaking through their denial becomes extremely difficult as they invest more of their identity into their poisonous ideas.

    Some instead try to earn God�s love & favor through Him noticing their dedication. They are driven to feel extreme guilt if they don�t sacrifice family, friends & themselves in service of the church. It becomes an addiction that traps them in painful obsessions & compulsions.

    Still others use their harmful faith as a way to avoid the realities of life. They expect God to work miracles at their beck & call like a genie or personal magician. Rather than face up to painful things they pray & let mishap happen. They expect God to do for them what He is waiting for them to do for themselves.

    They are not really looking for God, they are searching for relief & a means to avoid the pain they need to face. They live in a fantasy world of quick fixes & easy solutions. They grow weak in their ability to cope. Looking for the religious high, they are similar to addicts searching frantically for the next fix.

    It leads to an ungodly passivity that leaves them doing nothing unless �God has spoken� with personal direction; an addiction to compulsive work & striving to please God; giving to buy God�s favor; a cop-out or way to avoid dealing with tough life situations; something ugly & void of a loving God, harmful to them & to those who are near. Rather than being detached from material gain, self importance & the urge to dominate others, many promote their own importance, material gain & right to oppress others.

Characteristics of Religious Addicts

    Some of the common characteristics of those who succumb to religious addiction are: having had rigid parents, experiences of disappointment, low self worth, & having been victims of abuse.

Rigid Parents

    Having had rigid parents leads to entering adulthood clinging to someone serving up any form of rigidity. They are drawn to it. We are creatures of habit, comfortable with what we know. Perhaps they have a hidden desire to fix the rigid system, in order to loosen themselves up & free themselves to enjoy life.


  Experienced Disappointment   

    Addicts become attracted & attached to any group that promises acceptance without risk.


  Low self-worth  

    People fall victim to pressures to conform if they do not value themselves or have their own beliefs. They go along with the group consensus. They feel alienated & isolated & want to belong & be accepted. Childhood trauma is forgotten because of the euphoria of so much affection in church. They then make radical decisions to trust, & reinforce it with justifications. Their addiction moves them to believe the unbelievable if it will provide at least a moment of relief. They don�t see the exploitation, because their low self-worth has allowed them to be exploited all their lives, so it seems almost normal.


  Victims of Abuse   

    Child abuse often leads to further victimization. They feel detached & unloved & function with a feeling of loss. Attention from a father "replacement" can set off a craving for more attention & a vulnerability to being victimized again. They think no one else cares or has to endure their kind of pain so they are susceptible to someone who seems to have a heart of gold, & a simple plan for an easy life.


  Compulsive Religious Activity  

    They are driven by guilt & a desire to earn favor from God so that one day God will look down & change reality for them. They hope He will relieve their pain or make life magically more easy for them than for others. Their earn as you go mentality places their future in the hands of their ability to achieve, accomplish & sacrifice.


    In Part X in the next article we will look at the definitions of addiction, emotional addiction & religious addiction, & also address the components & idolatry of Religious Addiction as it relates to Spiritual Abuse.

    Books & 80 pages of seminar notes on �Spiritual Abuse� can be found in the Resources/Books/Spiritual Abuse section of this website.

Other articles by Steve & Heidi Cadman-Neu


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Context of our Value Base


     Our counseling services are available to both Christians & non-Christians alike (as per our Mission Statement), & for both we integrate our spirituality only to the degree that people request & are comfortable with.   We are respectful of others being in somewhat different places than we are in the life journeys we walk out, & are also aware that many have been hurt or offended religiously by others in their past. 


    We do not try to force our Christian value base or beliefs on others, although it can at times affect what goals we feel comfortable about being able to work on with others, because there are a handful of moral & spiritual issues where we will not be comfortable in counseling contrary to our beliefs. These issues generally do not tend to come up in most people's counseling though.


      We come from a spiritual, biblical perspective so when requested we also function as pastoral counselors / counsellors in addition to being professional counselors, marriage & family therapists.   We are very comfortable with prayer & the inclusion of scripture where this is requested & desired, yet even then it will be integrated only to the degree that people are comfortable with.



Who we are : MSW 30+ years counseling experience


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